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Frank O. Cox


A man with white hair and glasses is wearing a blue plaid shirt.

The founder of Benefit Planners, Frank Cox is a seasoned and skilled professional with more than 38+ years of experience helping hundred of individuals and families across the country secure their retirements.

With an extensive background in retirement strategizing, Frank now focuses on working with seniors and retirees, connecting clients with the right financial tools so they can enjoy their golden years.

Timeless Adage: If you can find an occupation you truly love, you will never work a day in your life!

“Each day I get to work with incredible people who have lived such unique lives. I benefit from learning from individuals who have had vastly different life experiences than my own. I hear about their military service, marriage(s), travel, professional lives and families (especially their grandchildren). I learn about the early chapters of their lives and am privileged help them plan the remaining chapters. I love reading the entire book. Ultimately, I am grateful for the trust my clients place in myself and my team and for allowing us the privilege of serving them as they enjoy their own unique version of a happy retirement."

The most important thing to Frank, though, is God, his wife Pam, and their eleven children and grandchildren. “We love getting together as often as possible”.

Benefit Planners, along with our team members, assist pre-retirees and retirees alike in preparing and executing their vision of a

successful retirement. 

Confidence in retirement comes with financial awareness and understanding. Benefit Planners seeks to remain accessible to our clients throughout their retirement, to provide insight and understanding, because life happens, and because we believe that knowledge is power.

Our clients are excited because understanding their finances means that they can focus on the truly important things in retirement, and it’s not just money!

My Team

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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The Impact Partnership

The Impact Partnership focuses on strategic positioning of client assets. They also provide incredible platforms on which to build some of the most leading edge strategies for improving financial performance, liquidity and peace of mind.

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Thomas Gold Solutions

Over 15 years ago Thomas Gold Solutions began creating what has now become the worlds most comprehensive and insightful, personal financial analysis platform. We can now answer questions for clients that planners in the past could only dream of.  And... that same platform is extremely intuitive and easy for clients to understand.  An amazing win-win!

The logo for thomas gold solutions software training support
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